The Real Food Challenge

The Real Food Challenge is a student-led and student-managed food sourcing initiative that began at the Eatery in 2015. Chancellor Gallagher signed the Real Food Challenge Campus Commitment in March 2015 at a Student Government Board meeting after hearing students’ desire for more local and sustainable meals in campus dining halls. 

Student Real Food interns audit Pitt Eats’ food purchases each year to determine which products meet the Real Food Standards. The campus Real Food percentage is a measure of dollars spent on Real Food products versus conventional food and beverage products. 

The University’s initial goal was to serve 20% Real Food in The Eatery by 2020, however, that goal was met two years early in 2018. The University then recommitted to the program in the Pitt Sustainability Plan, setting an new goal that furthered the impact of the program.  

Track Pitt’s Real Food progress via the University of Pittsburgh's Sustainability Dashboard.  

Find Real Food products across campus! Look for Pitt Eats Local products in coffee shops, dining halls, grocery stores, and at catered events to support the University’s mission of sourcing 25% Real Foods across campus by 2025.